Introducing Shield
Your privacy is important and it’s in your control.
How It Works
Rebel is the network and RBL is a digital currency that protects your privacy. Users may transact quickly and securely using RBL. Shielded RBL keeps transactions private while users may choose to disclose address and transaction information selectively for auditing or regulatory compliance.
Multiple transaction types
Z address to Z address
Z address to T address
T address to Z address
T address to T address
Transparent address
Transparent address
(SHIELD – Transparent)
SHIELD address
Transparent address
(Transparent – SHIELD)
Transparent address
SHIELD address
(Transparent – Transparent)
Transparent address
Transparent address
RBL addresses may be private (z-addresses) or public (t-addresses). Public addresses start with a “t,” whereas private addresses start with a “z.” Between these two types of addresses, there are four types of transactions.
The public blockchain records a Z-to-Z transaction, showing that it took place. On the other side, the addresses, transaction amount, and memo are all encrypted and not visible to the public. To accomplish this degree of encryption, we use ZK-Snark.
By using view keys and payment disclosure, the owner of an address may opt to disclose the z-address and transaction data with trusted third parties for auditing and compliance purposes.
The sender, receiver, and transaction amount are all public information in T-to-T transactions, just as they are with Bitcoin. While t-addresses are still used by many wallets and exchanges, shielded addresses are becoming increasingly common as a method to protect user privacy.
Funds may be transferred between z-addresses and t-addresses. Users must be mindful of the privacy implications of these transactions when shielding or de-shielding information.
Getting Started
How does it work?
Address and transaction privacy
Shielded and transparent addresses are available in Rebel. Shielded addresses are not exposed, and transactions between shielded addresses do not disclose either the address, transaction amount, or encrypted memo field contents.
On the Rebel blockchain, transparent addresses and transactions between them are visible in the same manner as Bitcoin addresses.
Encrypted memo
For protected transactions, a memo field is available. This enables the sender to provide important information for the recipient in an encrypted manner. This is helpful for relaying communications and instructions.
Viewing keys
Owners of shielded addresses have the option of disclosing transaction data for regulatory compliance or auditing purposes. The owner has the option of disclosing all incoming transactions and the memo field, but not the sender address unless the memo field contains identifiable information.
Payment disclosure
For the sake of visibility, compliance, or auditing, either the sender or recipient of a transaction may reveal transaction-specific information to other parties. The recipient may reveal the transaction amount and memo but not the sender's address.
Frequently asked Questions
With RBL, there are two sorts of addresses: Shielded and Transparent. RBL -Shielded addresses stay secret, and every transaction involving RBL-Shielded addresses keeps the address, transaction amount, and any Encrypted Memo field information entirely concealed. Any transactions between RBL-Transparent addresses and other addresses are entirely public accessible on the RBL blockchain, meaning addresses and amounts are visible at all times.
A shielded address owner has the option of sharing their shielded address and transaction data with any trustworthy third parties. This is done through the use and sharing of specific view keys.
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