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Secure & Effortless

Cold Staking

Receive staking rewards while your funds are securely locked in offline cold storage.

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Staking your PIVX has

Never Been Easier

Delegate your PIV for staking to a hot wallet while maintaining full control. With Cold Staking, you retain the private keys for your PIV, and your staking rewards offline, while a hot wallet remains online to stake on your behalf.

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Minimum Hardware Requirements

Most desktops, laptops, and even a Raspberry PI meet the demands required to run a hot wallet for cold staking (single-core CPU, 2 GB of RAM, and 30 GB of storage space).

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Active Offline Solution

Once delegated, your cold wallet and the private keys to spend your PIV are not required to remain online until you choose to spend.

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Energy Saving

Multiple cold wallets can delegate PIV to one hot wallet, reducing the energy footprint needed to stake several small wallet balances.

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Non-Custodial Staking

Hot wallets control which delegated balances are staked, but only the owner of the actual PIV retains the ability to spend the delegated coins.


Hardware Wallet Tool


PET4L, originally created to be PIVX’s Emergency Tool for Ledger, is the PIVX Core Developer supported interface to hardware wallets (Ledger and Trezor).PET4L gives you the control you need to access your coins when the hardware wallet vendor’s software does not. This includes spending your delegated coins when the time arises.

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Third Party

Staking Services

If you do not have the resources to maintain a hot wallet to service your cold staking, there are a number of third-party services and volunteers willing to provide you a wallet to delegate staking to. You will find some of those service providers below.


Allnodes is a non-custodial platform for all of your Hosting and Staking needs.


Pecunia Platform allows you to create cold wallet masternodes, without having to deal with servers, terminals or Linux.


StakeCube is the predominant crypto ecosystem with Masternode hosting system supporting 55+ different crypto assets.


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Guides and


Looking for more details or instructions? No Problem. We got you covered.


Cold Staking

How to setup Cold Staking

Cold Staking on Ledger

How to setup Cold Staking with Ledger hardware wallet

Frequently asked



Hot staking is a staking method that requires the wallet containing your coins to be online 24/7 in order to receive rewards. Cold Staking allows you to delegate your PIVX to a staking node to stake on your behalf without sending them your PIV. This allows you to securely stake without the need for the wallet storing your PIV to be kept online.

Delegating allows for your selected cold staker address to stake on your behalf without having an access to your funds. After delegating you can safely leave your wallet offline and still receive PIV even from a hardware wallet.


Cold staking does not require time and attention to monitor the status of your wallet and staking. Also, you do not consume any additional electricity, since your wallet does not have to be turned on. However, if you don’t run cold staking node on your own but use 3rd party services it is worth noting that there is a dependency on those parties that provide you cold staking, and in some cases the variables include security, service fees, and hot wallet node uptime. Remember, if a 3rd party hot wallet goes offline, you will no longer be participating in staking.

Need more help?

You can learn more in the PIVX Knowledgebase or post your questions in the PIVX Forum or Discord.

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